How to ios 8.2 Jailbreak

How to ios 8.2 Jailbreak - Today I will discuss about ios. in this post I will use the English language. ha ha ha. If you have an iphone? or ipad or ipad touch? have you jailbreak? if not here I will share how, especially for the latest ios 8.2.

but before that, you need to know why you do jailbreak your iphone. if you only use the iphone to a phone, sms, social media and do not need to jailbreak. so, here it is. The main purpose of the jailbreak is that we can get full access to the file system on the iPhone iOS, by having full access rights, then we will easily adjust and control the iPhone as you wish. Take a small example wrote, if we are going to download a game with a large file size is more than 200MB and above example, without the jailbreak process to download games that are large, we must connect to Wifi, can not use the 3G connection. In contrast, if the iPhone we've been in JB, downloading games or applications of any size can use the 3G connection.

Jailbreak is very useful if we want to feature, the display menu to setting iPhone accordance with our wishes. With Jailbreak, we are freed from the limitations that exist in the iPhone. Jailbreak is perfect then you are like customizing your iPhone, suitable for those who are less satisfied with the default menu / standard iPhone.

okay with it, you need to do is ios 8.2 jailbreak of course, and also Taig. You can download at the link I gave later. To perform the jailbreak, I will give a video tutorial on how to jailbreak. you just follow. 

Our Principles: DWYOR (Do With Your Own Risk)
How to jailbreak iOS 8.2 with taiG ?

  1. Most recent TaiG download for your Windows operating system computer
  2. Connect your iOS device to the computer using the USB wire.
  3. Extract the cydia download TaiG program  and run on your PC.
  4. Program will identify your iOS device. Tick off second check box in the list window to avoid install, TaiG jailbreak App Store and click green key to start the jailbreak procedure.
  5. Later than the jailbreak procedure complete 100%. After will reboot your devices

  • Download Taig HERE
More info: Here

Good luck!


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